May 18, 2021

Harmonic Allowable limit as per CEA Guidelines

As per the CEA Guidelines, those who  maintaining the Substation in the voltage level of 11KV,22KV,33KV, they should maintain the total Harmonic distortion as per the below allowable limit.

Individual Voltage Harmonic Distortion :

Maximum acceptable limit is 3% 

Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion :

Maximum acceptable limit is 5% 

Total Current Harmonic Distortion :

Maximum acceptable limit is 8% 

This limit has mentioned by institute of electrical and electronic engineer (IEEE 519 2014)

If THD is breaching the acceptable limit, then you have to install harmonic filter to maintain the level as stated by above standards, otherwise government authority will impose the penalty.

The Harmonic filter may be active harmonic filter or passive harmoic filter or hybrid harmoic filter.However, the selection of filter is based on your site load requirement. 

If you want to know about Harmonics and its type and its control method, then please follow me at blogger and also subscribe our YouTube channel without fail.

Thanks for reading this small information!...

Stay Home, Stay Safe.

Ashokraj  S

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