Aug 20, 2020

Why night lamps called as zero watts bulb, even though it consumes some amount of power ?

There are four different types of lamps available in the market .

1.Incandescent lamp

2. Fluorescent lamp

3.Compact fluorescent lamp

4.LED lamp 

Among these types, we are mostly used incandescent lamp as a night lamp.

Actually low intensity incandescent bulb are called as Zero watt bulbs and there is no lamp with zero watt consumption.

Even a small LED indicator consume power,though it is a fraction of a watt.

The zero watt lamp actually consume 15-20W.

In earlier days, we were using only zero watt lamp at night and other loads were kept off at home .In such case, the conventional type electromagnetic energy meter could not record the energy consumption because the disk inside meter did not move when the load was only with 15 Watt.

But in our modern life, we are using the digital energy meter and it is  capable of capturing in fraction of watt.

My recommendation is to procure the LED type zero watt bulb for your home instead of incandescent lamp . LED type night lamp will consume less power i.e 0.5 W or 1 W and you can save the electricity here and there by we can save your money too.

Thanks for the reading!..


Ashokraj S 


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