Mar 28, 2021

TDS level in drinking water

TDS stands for total dissolved solids.TDS represents total concentration of disolved solids in the water.

TDS is made of up inorganic substances and small amount of organic substances.

The inorganic substances refers to the  salts and heavy metals.

How to measure the TDS ?

TDS in water can be measured using portabal conductivity meter. The another name of this meter is TDS meter.

How to control the TDS level in water ?

TDS can be controlled using reserve osmosis process.but the main drawback of this process is more wastage of water I.e. reject water.

Unit of TDS :

TDS will be showcased in the term of ppm (Parts per million) or mg/l (milligrams per litre)

 TDS level :

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

As per the EPA, 500 ppm is maximum acceptable limit

WHO(World health organization)

As per the WHO, 300 to 600 ppm is  considered as good and the level more than 1200 ppm is considered as unacceptable 

BIS(Bureau of indian standards)

As per the BIS, 500ppm is maximum acceptable limit.

ICMR(Indian Council of medical research)

As per the ICMR, the value between 500 ppm to 1500 ppm considered as good.

Hope the above information is much useful to you.

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Ashokraj S

Mar 21, 2021

KVAR rating calculation to design the APFC Panel

How to calculate KVAR rating for APFC Panel ?

APFC Stands for automatic power factor correction/controller 

KVAR stands for kilo volt ampere reactive 

Assume that your electrical  distribution system have the value of 100KVA,415V,240.96 Amps and PF is 0.8.

If we want to improve the power factor from 0.8 to 0.99, you need to install the static capacitor in the existing  system. 

There is a standard formula to calculate the required KVAR i.e. 

KVAR =P(Tan pi 1 - Tan pi 2) 

Let us assume Cos Pi 1 = 0.8 

                                  Pi 1 = cos inverse of 0.8
                                  Pi 1 = 36.869 

Also let us assume Cos Pi 2 =0.99

                                       Pi 2=Cos inverse of 0.99
                                       Pi 2= 8.109 

Now apply all the known values into the KVAR standard formula.

KVAR= 100( Tan 36.869 - Tan 8.109)

So, to improve the power factor from 0.8 to 0.99, we need to install at least 60KVAR capacity of APFC panel in the electrical system.

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Ashokraj S 

APFC in Electrical Systems

APFC panel in Electrical System

 APFC stands for Automatic Power factor correction/Controller.

APFC Panel used in electrical power distribution system to improve the power factor from lagging PF to near to unity PF.

Power factor is the ratio of active power to the apparent power .It is denoted by cos Pi

Cos Pi = KW/KVA


 KW is equals to 1.732 x V x I x Cos pi (or) V x  I x Cos pi

KVA is equals to V x I 

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